Thursday, January 16, 2014

And.... We're off....!?!

Well here we are... The beginning of 2014. After attempting to start this blog a few different times and failing probably (definitely) due to the holiday distractions, complaining about the holiday distractions and working, I am finally ready to give this another shot. This is the beginning of The Folk House.

We will start with me... My name: Sarah.
Providence, RI (photo by me). 
I am 25 and am currently residing in Providence, RI. I moved to Rhode Island after living in Brattleboro, VT and before that it was Keene, NH when I was attending college and before that it was Brick, NJ, where I grew up for most of my life. Providence probably won't be my last stop on my residential list but it's not too bad of a place for now. I am currently working two different jobs as a barista... yup that's right I'm pretty damn broke. Living in a city, trying to make ends meet and having a life gets tricky but instead of beating myself up over living a life outside of a cubicle or a “regular” nine to five job (which I never wanted anyways) I am going to embrace it and live the life I want. Yes, it is a life that I am still trying to figure out but I finally had the realization that life has never been made up of one choice, it is a series of choices. They are the choices that happen day to day, moment to moment that create your past, and your future. I know, Duh Sarah! How could you not have realized that sooner?!? But to be honest, I didn't realize, but once I did it was like the gold at the end of a weird twisted rainbow.

After I graduated from college, a little over two years ago, everyone kept asking me what I was doing next, what my goals were or what my plan was. I never had a specific end goal in mind or even a route on how to get there. In fact it was more like that scene from the movie Fellowship of the Ring, Frodo is beginning his adventures with the other Hobbits, they stumble onto a path from Farmer Maggot's corn field, and Frodo stands up and looks down the darkening path knowing that danger is coming and they run off and hide, then they found their way through the woods to safety. That's right, I am currently running through the woods. This thought that used to scare me has begun to bring me comfort (and yes, there are more Lord of the Ring references where that came from). I have always been a person who likes A LOT of different things and to even contemplate the thought of working one job or even staying in the same place for my life is unsettling. I like the adventure of starting at the bottom somewhere else, it's a humbling experience. As much as I am still getting acquainted with life off of the beaten path I do know that it starts with you, your decision to create a path for yourself and to be your own guide, we all have the potential to be our own Les Stroud, or Bear Grylls if he's more up your ally.

Pawtuckaway State Park, NH (photo by me)

I am starting this blog because I am trying to figure life out, and I know that nowadays, there are a lot of people doing the same. I am here to tell you that you are not too old, that you are not too young to find a dream, to be happy. I am here to tell you that you might not need that new car or those new shoes, that living minimally is rewarding. I am here to tell you that you should start something new. I am here to tell you to look up at the stars, to read more, to not make anymore excuses, go on an adventure, to turn down a road you have never been down, to spend time with your friends and family, to laugh, eat and drink, to make something even if you don't know how. This is my journal of what I am doing, people I am seeing, what I am reading, music I am listening to, places that I am going, things I am thinking, projects I am working on, and all sorts of things that inspire me to live today and not someday.