Friday, February 7, 2014

To Hold You Over:

I am going to keep this short and sweet. And by that I mean this post will most definitely take a few days for me to write for some reason that is far beyond my comprehension. In the end, that is my own burden to carry.  
Dead hydrangea on the beach in Point Judith, RI (photo by me).
Anyway... I won't make excuses for the fact that I haven't posted anything for so long because I really have no excuses. I have been acting like the month of February (hibernating, hiding under blankets because the world is too cold, not being sick but feeling like you should be, ignoring all human life unless forced , saying you will read a book and then do anything that is less productive... ect), but I am making strives little by little to dig my way back out of the little cave I dug underneath my apartment. February is always the hardest month for me. The joys of winter have been run their course and frankly I am sick of snow days from work and having to sit in my freezing car to wait for it to heat up and thaw my hands enough for me to grip the steering wheel. I know that March is just around the corner but it still feels like a lifetime away, like I will have to get in a space ship and travel for light years to another solar system just to find that special warmth again. I am desperate for that sweet smell of spring and the slow drips from the rooftops and tree branches beginning their long awaited thaw.  
Alas, spring has not yet found us, therefore we will muscle through it yet again. Since I am assuming that we are all on the same exact page here (because how could we not be), I am going to post links to all sorts of things that are keeping my head up. 
I have been reading the book The Freedom Manifesto By Tom Hodgkinson. He founded the website The Idler, which I find to be perfect reading because of my short attention span lately and since I have been trying to work my way out of this winter gloom this is definitely helpful. I also tend to always turn towards the poetry of Martin Espada no matter my mood or the season he is perfect for every occasion. 
Spring in Bristol, RI (photo by me).
Since I have the tendency to listen to music based on the season the last few weeks my playlist has been swarmed with Bonnie "Prince" Billy and Scout Niblett, for some reason they sound like February to me. 
Since I promised to keep this short and sweet I will conclude with this:
Spring is almost here

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